For real, this time. Well, I'm going to do my best. I apparently am not very good at consistently writing (as evidenced by the lack of posts). One thing that will make it easier from here on out is that I now have high speed internet at my home! Yay! That was a moment 5 years in the making. When I was out of the house working, I didn't mind not having internet since I was on the computer quite a bit at work but once I started staying home... Well, life with a baby and not a lot of outside interaction is tough, to say the least.
Where is my life at now, you ask? Well, I gave a pretty big clue up above. I had my baby last May. He is almost a year old already!! It blows my mind! Things are pretty good. I am still on mat leave (for a little while anyway) and have decided not to go back to my former work. I had myself all psyched up to talk to my boss about possibly coming back part-time and she emailed me some passive-aggressive crap and I remembered how much I disliked her and how unhappy I was there. So that's scrapped, which makes me feel very happy. However, I feel a little concerned with finances. My husby makes lots of money but it always seems like there isn't enough and I hate asking him for money to do things. Actually, on my to-do list for today is to revamp my resume for a part-time position I am interested in. I think getting out 2 days a week would be good for our whole family. I have some adult interaction, I make a little money, Baby T gets some socialization, B isn't the sole provider. All in all, a good deal.
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