Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Better Late Than Never

Hey friends,
I feel as if I have so much on the go always.  I have a bunch of different directions that I want to take this blog but I end up not going anywhere instead.  I have thought a lot about what I want to write about and have even drafted several different posts in my head but then they don't end up being written.  My goal for the next month (seems appropriate since we are at the start of May) is to write everyday.  For a whole month...   What have I gotten myself in for?

I think the important thing for me to remember here is that perfection is the enemy of good.  I know myself. If I miss a day, I will probably give up the whole thing and come back in another year to try again.  I used to skip university classes if I was going to be late.  But I think at this point in my life and for this project, better late than never.  Better something than nothing. 

I have had this black and white way of thinking for most of my life.  It has been one of my biggest challenges.  If I told my husband that I was a perfectionist, he would laugh since he rarely thinks that what I have accomplished is good enough (sounds harsh, but I think it's true).  However, I think it is more likely that I never really give it my all in an effort to avoid failing.  I didn't really try.  I don't care how it turns out...  That sounds pretty sad, now that I think on it.  Well, better late than never.

Back to writing everyday...

I think I need to get into a groove with this project.  I tend to get all excited about things and then lose steam, halfway through.  So, to start just write everyday.  It doesn't matter about what and hopefully, I will find my voice and my direction as I go.

Still Sparkling!

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Fun With My Little Man!

The last couple of days, I  have been trying to get a good photo of my little guy to use on the invitation to his first birthday party.  I can't wrap my head around the fact that he will be ONE in less than a month!  It is totally crazy.  T is such a go-getter, he wasn't very happy about sitting still for me.  He kept crawling off, giggling. 
We have a ton of stuff going on in the next little bit, including getting ready for T's birthday.  We are going to try to do some renovations this summer in the hope of making our house more comfortable/ready to put on the market in case an opportunity arises.  Unfortunately, this little guy is like a tornado and needs to have a close eye kept on him at all times (plus, he's really fun to play with!).

Perhaps all the time I spend on Pinterest will be useful!  I swear, it's like mommy crack.  :)

On the list to complete before the birthday party:
-finish decorating T's room (I know, I know, he is almost a year old!! It needs to get done!)
-complete the reno's to the laundry room (we replaced the flooring and basically stalled out.  The electrical needs to be done, the new sink installed, the drywall/painting finished)
-new flower beds around the deck
-work on the front curb appeal/landscaping
-fix the deck and backyard
-get the garden ready (planting depending on the weather)

If we can get there:
-stain the kitchen cabinets
-repaint the front door and side door
-paint the basement (this is such a huge job!! I don't know if this will get done before July since I probably need my mom or someone to be available to look after T while I do the work)

Ok, I feel as if writing this down makes me a little bit more accountable to get some of this done.


Friday, 19 April 2013

I'm Baaaaaccckkk!

For real, this time.  Well, I'm going to do my best.  I apparently am not very good at consistently writing (as evidenced by the lack of posts).  One thing that will make it easier from here on out is that I now have high speed internet at my home!  Yay!  That was a moment 5 years in the making.  When I was out of the house working, I didn't mind not having internet since I was on the computer quite a bit at work but once I started staying home...  Well, life with a baby and not a lot of outside interaction is tough, to say the least.

Where is my life at now, you ask?  Well, I gave a pretty big clue up above.  I had my baby last May.  He is almost a year old already!!  It blows my mind!  Things are pretty good.  I am still on mat leave (for a little while anyway) and have decided not to go back to my former work.  I had myself all psyched up to talk to my boss about possibly coming back part-time and she emailed me some passive-aggressive crap and I remembered how much I disliked her and how unhappy I was there.  So that's scrapped, which makes me feel very happy.  However, I feel a little concerned with finances.  My husby makes lots of money but it always seems like there isn't enough and I hate asking him for money to do things.  Actually, on my to-do list for today is to revamp my resume for a part-time position I am interested in.  I think getting out 2 days a week would be good for our whole family.  I have some adult interaction, I make a little money, Baby T gets some socialization, B isn't the sole provider.  All in all, a good deal.
